Sunday, April 3, 2011

Toluna Review!


Cash Out: Earn Points to spend on cash,gift cards, or sweepstakes entries.

How To Earn: Earn points by completing surveys, and voting on polls.

My View:

So far I am liking Toluna.  The best part of the site is the polls on the front page.  They are short and sweet for some quick points.  It is kind of annoying to get a gift card since you have to spend your points on a Tango card first and from their you can get a gift card to another retailer.  It is better then just cash or nothing, however.

Pros: They pay out pretty well.  The polls you can vote on are very quick for some easy points.

Cons: Takes a lot of points to finally pay out.  If you are going the gift card option they give you a card to which you can then redeem for another retailer.

Tips: Complete the interest surveys for a nice point boost!

Link: Join Toluna!

Synovate Review!


Cash Out: Earn points to spend on cash.

How To Earn: Complete surveys.

My View:

If you have time and a Synovate e-mail is in the box, you may as well take it.  Since they pay in cash this is one I am just sitting around on waiting until I have a decent amount to cash out.  I will update once I have more experience on the cash out, but I have a feeling that may be awhile since I do not get many surveys from them.

Pros: They have a good reputation.  They give you points as gifts throughout the year just being an active member.  Each survey you complete gets you entered into their monthly sweepstakes. 

Cons: They do not have many surveys that I see.  They only pay out in check form.

Link: Join Synovate!